Who's Future is it Anyway...?

Back in the day when flower power was trendy, love and peace were the new hate and long-haired men were commonplace, life was good. By good I don’t just mean everyday-chomping-on-a-chocolate-good, I mean super amazingly good. And cheap too. During the era of the hippie with your pocket money you could go to the cinema with your friends; buy a bag of chips or two; maybe splash out on a comic; and still have enough change left in your purse for the bus fare home.  

However, as a teenager living in the twenty first century, I have had no experience of this whatsoever yet I am constantly reminded of it by my dad. I shall never forget his strong words: ‘Inflation- the economical nightmare!’.  Although with our countries economical, political and environmental situation being such a farcical sham, inflation is the least of our worries. Our country is a dilapidated ruin.

I mean, come on, what is going on?

Time and time again we hear of more abashment thrust upon Britain: none of which astonishes me anymore than the subsequent buffoonery. One case of this, which I wish to present, is the outrageous expenses scandal that occurred earlier this year. Need I say more?

Don’t get me started on pensions either! With life expectancy on the up the older generation are living longer, thus squeezing the last few drops of life from our treasury. At the moment for every one pensioner, there are four working citizens paying for their allowance; by the year 2050 that figure is predicted to fall to just two. Guess what that means... BOOM! Just like that, taxes increase. Great!

What is more, the recent Papal visit cost the taxpayer a whopping twelve million pounds- money which could have been spent where it was actually needed (schools, hospitals, the public sector, the list is endless) and appreciated. Yes, appreciated, for, from what I have seen and heard, the Pope far from appreciated the work, time and effort that was put into him graces us with his grandeur. I know this because one of his cronies compared the streets of London to that of a third world country. The Tudors would have had your head for such treason. Literally.

And then we have those who would rather be spoon feed their way through life like an over pampered Chihuahua, abusing what our nation stands for. The government gives them weekly handouts to provide for themselves and their ever growing families without proper cause; surely a more efficient plan of action would be to perform an inspection as to who actually needs the money. Why should loafers be allowed to take from the people without ever giving a penny in return? Weren’t they taught to give and receive as I was? Whatever happened to the ‘good ole’ British spirit’?  

Amidst the desperately dire disarray, all I can see are problems brought about by the flaws of mankind. Sometimes I abandon all hope of ever leading a semi-decent life; as I will either feel the wrath of God in 2012, become a victim of world food shortages or be forced to develop gills when the ice caps melt and flood the earth. If it wasn’t for simple pleasures like chocolate, I think I would end up mentally disturbed by the age of thirty!

So I have concluded that whilst the children at the Houses of Parliament bicker and squabble our country is falling to pieces! Our government is as corrupt and ineffective as the next; constantly penny pinching from people’s pockets; giving layabouts an easy ride; and penalising those who carry our fair Britannia on their breaking backs. As a result, our once noble nation is gradually approaching a pathetic end.